Mission and vision of the museum

The museum’s mission and vision is to:

-Participate in our ancestors’ history by immersing the audience in everyday-life stories, providing an "inside point of view" that yields a stronger connection and deeper understanding of it.

-Preserve, research and publicize objects used by our ancestors that bear witness to important lessons, e.g., a perfect adaptation to their environment, an intelligent use of local resources, living in harmony and respect of nature, skillful use of tools and true artistic creations, etc.

-Promote national and political unity in a society challenged by its diversity and plurality by highlighting our historical roots and traditions. From within that scope, the collection of our museum was not built around a pre-existing nucleus, but in response to a clear vision of preserving a long-gone common heritage.

-Disseminate the stories and wisdom/know-how of the past to the younger generation, taking into consideration that the youth are vital social actors in each of their communities. The younger generation may often discard or forget the past in their aspiration for a better future. Hence, placing value on the past via the museum’s collection is primordial to enhance their contributions and interest in such museums.