A collaborative Journey Towards Sustainability

A collaborative Journey Towards Sustainability

In an effort to promote a more environmentally sustainable and eco-aware future, the Eco Club and the Institute of the Environment (IOE) at the University of Balamand have joined forces with the Lycée Franco-Libanais Alphonse de Lamartine in order to develop an Atlas showcasing biodiversity and establish a small museum highlighting the flora and fauna of the Lycée campus.

The journey of the 'Atlas de la Biodiversité du Lycée Alphonse de Lamartine' project started on February 2nd, 2024, marking the beginning of a three-year endeavor that will ultimately manifest in a museum exhibition. This ambitious initiative is driven by the Eco Club, in collaboration with the IOE, with a primary focus on educating students and conducting workshops dedicated to the preservation and conservation of the campus's fauna and flora. These engagements serve as a platform to create a sense of environmental responsibility and consciousness among the younger generation.

Dr. Manal Nader, the Director of the Institute of the Environment and Eco-Club Adviser stated: “As we embark as a global population on this journey towards a more sustainable future, we anticipate the transformative effects that such initiatives can yield. Through collaboration, education, and collective action, we value the opportunity to form our young generations early on to engage actively in ensuring a healthier planet in the decades to come.”

This project falls within the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically related to Life on Land (SDG 15).