
OCTOBER 28, 2020

UOB and GIZ Sign Contract Agreement to Support Tripoli City Plant Nursery

UOB and GIZ Sign Contract Agreement to Support Tripoli City Plant Nursery

​Today the president of the University of Balamand Dr. Elias Warrak signed a contract agreement with the German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) represented by Dr. Bjoern Zimprich to provide Agricultural Services for Tripoli City Nursery. The tender was proposed by GIZ to Lebanese Faculties of Agriculture and the bid submitted by the department of Agriculture at the Issam Fares Faculty of Technology was chosen. The department will participate in this project through assessment, support in design, training, coaching and following up with the implementation of the project. The contract is worth 52,000 USD and its implementation will be completed on October 2021 to allow the city to optimize the use the coverage of its green spaces.​
