Student Newspaper - Highlights

We Highlight your study experience! - Founded in 2009 by students at the University of Balamand, Highlights remains the voice of our diverse student community and a platform for students to share their ideas. Every new issue from Highlights sheds light on major events and topics that concern both the university and Lebanon.
If you have mastered the arts of communication or merely have an idea worth sharing with our student body - Highlights welcomes submissions from all students at any time!

We also offer students a chance to practice their social media and video blogging skills with our digitised version of the newspaper.

Highlights Office is in Zakhem Building, First Floor, Room 118.













































































































Office Hours
Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Fall and Spring semesters and from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Summer semester.

Tel: +961 6930250 ext. 3948








