Dr. Youssef Bassim is an orthopedic surgeon, healthcare and HIT consultant who graduated from the American University of Beirut in 1998 and has been working as consultant orthopedic surgeon between Lebanon, Kuwait and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a 20 years of experience in clinical practice. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and certified Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. In addition, Dr. Bassim has a combined Master’s degree in Hospital & Healthcare Management from ESA (Lebanon) & Paris Diderot (France) Universities with a focus on Healthcare Information Technology (HIT). He is currently consultant for the President of the University of Balamand for healthcare and hospital affairs. He is a healthcare consultant and supervised many healthcare facilities projects from feasibility study into design and medical equipment and worked as medical auditor for Deloitte. He was in charge of the Management of Information (MOI) chapters for the JCI and CBAHI accreditation systems in his work place hospitals. He took several administrative and consultancy work in the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health, World Bank Health Sector Rehabilitation Program & the World Health Organization and he was awarded by Dr Gro Harlem Bruntland, WHO Director General , the Tobacco Free World Award For Outstanding Contributions to Public Health. He was appointed as Project Manager by HIMSS (Healthcare Information Management & Systems Society) on Electronic Medical Records Adoption Model (EMRAM) scoring project in Lebanese hospitals. He was part of the HIT team at the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health involved in coordinating with all healthcare stakeholders in Lebanon to create the blueprints and roadmap for the e-health project on a national level. That team worked on an e-health model that transformed the MOH from a semi manual organization all the way to a real e-government. He worked on utilizing cost effective internet technologies, and introducing selected in-house IT services including On-line link with hospitals for bill presentment, automated Billing Control System in addition to electronic Payment Tracking System that tracks payments & for hospitals and doctors with creation of Publication Generator to publish Doctor Fees and Hospital Fees automatically on the MOH website.