Dr. Yasmine Jabali: Panelist in the Environmental Challenges, Perceptions, and Solutions Conference

Dr. Yasmine Jabali: Panelist in the Environmental Challenges, Perceptions, and Solutions Conference

Dr. Yasmine Jabali, Assistant Professor at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Balamand, took part as a distinguished panelist during the "Environmental Challenges, Perceptions, and Solutions" Conference held on June 27th 2023. The event, organized by Lebanon's Eco Movement, provided a platform for insightful discussions on pressing environmental issues and their potential remedies.

Dr. Jabali's engagement in the conference involved an in-depth exploration of the session that focused on "Status of Water and Wastewater in Lebanon and its Impact on Green and Blue Spaces". This session served as a valuable platform for comprehensive discussions concerning key matters surrounding water resources and the prevailing conditions within Lebanon's wastewater sector in mainly targeting the UN SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation).

During the session, Dr. Jabali shared valuable insights, facts, and figures about the current situation of water resources in Lebanon. Participants delved into the challenges faced by our community due to water scarcity and the consequences on green and blue spaces, which play a vital role in our ecosystem's health.

Engaging with fellow experts and concerned individuals, various potential solutions and strategies were explored to address the pressing environmental challenges of our time by relying on educating students and the community alike. The conference provided an excellent platform for collective knowledge-sharing, paving the way for joint efforts in protecting Lebanon's environment and its precious water resources. The importance of sustainable water management and its impact on preserving our natural habitats and enhancing our quality of life also took center stage in the discussions.

Commenting on her participation as a conference panelist, Dr. Jabali stated: “I express my gratitude for the privilege that the University of Balamand afforded me for being able of participating in this conference, which mainly contributes towards a greener, more sustainable future for our nation. Together, let's continue our journey towards a more environmentally conscious Lebanon”.

Vice President for Internationalization and Engagement and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Rami Abboud commended Dr. Jabali’s impactful contributions within the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, emphasizing: “Dr. Jabali’s engagement not only exemplified the faculty's commitment to addressing pressing environmental concerns, but also underscores the importance of academia's contribution to sustainable solutions and for undertaking applied research in meeting the UN SDGs”. Professor Abboud highlighted the significance of such platforms in fostering meaningful discussions and collaborations that can drive positive change in Lebanon's water sector and contribute to a more sustainable future. ​
