FEBRUARY 5, 2024

University of Balamand Signs a Collaborative Research Agreement with United Arab Emirates University

University of Balamand Signs a Collaborative Research Agreement with United Arab Emirates University

In a significant stride towards advancing research in the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering (FOE), the University of Balamand (UOB) and the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) have recently solidified their dedication to enhancing research endeavors, which was formalized through the signing of a Collaborative Research Agreement (CRA) on 12 October 2023. The official signing featured prominent individuals including Dr Elias Warrak, President of UOB, Professor Rami Abboud, UOB's Vice President for Internationalization and Engagement and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Professor Amed Murad, UAEU's Associate Provost for Research.

This collaborative endeavor serves as a testament to the aligned shared vision shared by UOB and UAEU. The joint aspiration is to advance the frontiers of research and innovation within the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering. A partnership that exemplifies the mutual dedication to fostering groundbreaking advancements in these disciplines.

Dr. Abdulkader El-Mir, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at FOE, is overseeing the creation of the research fund on behalf of UOB, while Dr. Hilal El-Hassan, is representing UAEU in this endeavor. This fund is a crucial element within the framework of the UAEU Program for Advanced Research that started in 2022, and its principal objective is to support the progress of an innovative self-sensing composite tailored for use in the construction sector.

Vice President for Internationalization and Engagement and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Professor Rami Abboud praised the efforts of Dr. El-Mir, emphasizing the importance of this collaborative commitment in driving forward innovative solutions in the realm of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Professor Abboud further highlighted the potential impact of this collaboration on the Faculty of Engineering, stating: “The joint efforts with UAEU are not only about sharing resources, but also about fostering a collaborative environment that encourages interdisciplinary research. This partnership enriches the academic experience for our faculty members and students, providing them with a platform to engage in cutting-edge research whilst contributing to advancements in the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering and in attaining the aims of SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities & Communities)”. ​
