FEBRUARY 6, 2024

UOB Mechanical Engineering Students Redefine Excellence with Remote-Controlled Private Jet Design

UOB Mechanical Engineering Students Redefine Excellence with Remote-Controlled Private Jet Design

A team of Mechanical Engineering students from the University of Balamand (UOB), has successfully designed a private jet aircraft for their Bachelor of Science graduate project. Under the mentorship and guidance of Dr. Jihad Rishmany, the Chairperson of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UOB, the team, consisting of students Hikmat Debs, Elie Gerges, and Joe Bou Chaaya, elevated their project and manufactured a scaled-down prototype and incorporated remote control capabilities.

The ambitious attempt involved a comprehensive redesign of the aircraft, covering aspects such as aerodynamics, structure, propulsion system and the integration of remote-control systems. The team utilized cutting-edge tools, including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations, to test and refine their design.

The project extended beyond theoretical concepts, as the team utilized 3D printing technology to manufacture various components. The complex process involved meticulous assembly and the installation of electronic systems, highlighting the team's dedication to hands-on learning.

Over the course of finalizing their undergraduate BS project, the team encountered and overcame numerous challenges, leading to the creation of multiple prototypes. This design project not only served as a presentation, but also as a transformative learning experience, combining informative insights with an element of enjoyment. The team believes that this innovative approach to aircraft design has highlighted the team's resilience, adaptability, and the practical application of their engineering skills.

Vice President for Internationalization and Engagement and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Professor Rami Abboud commended the collaborative efforts of Mechanical Engineering students Hikmat, Elie, and Joe, all specializing in Aeronautical Engineering. In his statement, he emphasized the value of their collaboration, showcasing not only their collective dedication but also the application of their specialized skills in tackling challenges related to aircraft design. Additionally, Prof. Abboud underscored the importance of such design initiatives in meeting the rigorous standards we uphold and in line with one of our faculty’s mottos “serious education with serious fun”, recognizing the pivotal role that innovative and well-executed designs play in advancing the academic and professional standing of the engineering program at the faculty and in meeting the UN SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure).

