UOB Establishes the Agricultural Value Chain Development Center in Support of the Lebanese Agricultural Sector

UOB Establishes the Agricultural Value Chain Development Center in Support of the Lebanese Agricultural Sector

On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, the University of Balamand announced the establishment of the Agricultural Value Chain Development Center. The Center aims to play a pivotal role in supporting the evolution of the agricultural sector in Lebanon, towards a more sustainable and multidisciplinary model through a culture of innovation and excellence.

The Agricultural Value Chain Development Center will fulfill its role through applied research and development to serve the needs of different agricultural value chain stakeholders “from Farm to Fork”. This approach is based on sustainable development and targets the Economic, Environmental, and Social facets of agriculture.

President Elias Warrak, appointed Dr. Rodrigue El Balaa - Chairperson of the Department of Agriculture at the Issam Fares Faculty of Technology – as director of the AVCDC to ensure the realization of its mission and vision.

Dr. Balaa holds a PhD. in Agricultural Engineering from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine – France. He is an expert in Agricultural Value Chains and has been involved in and managed numerous studies and development projects funded by international donors. ​
