Department of Education

The Department of Education at the University of Balamand prepares students to become leaders in the field of education using an interdisciplinary and transformational approach to teaching and learning. Our philosophy of education is based on progressive active learning theories and critical inquiry. Our graduates approach curricular reform based on research embedded decision-making practices. Through civic engagement and community outreach initiatives, our programs promote inclusion, social justice and empowerment in education.


  • - To promote interdisciplinary and active approaches to teaching and learning.

  • - To value lifelong learning and reflection as fundamental to educational practices that extends beyond graduation.

  • - To incorporate current trends and technologies in teaching to support student learning and teacher development

  • - To respect the diversity of student learners by embracing theories of inclusion and multiculturalism.

  • - To integrate 21st Century Skills in the field of education at all levels, from the school curricula in general and in classroom in particular.

  • - To critically analyze the Lebanese educational system and offer alternatives for better practice.

The Degrees We Offer
BA in Education Bacc + 3 91 Credits English/French
Teaching Diploma in Elementary Education
(Grades 1-6)
Bacc + 1 after BA 21 Credits English/French
Teaching in Specialized Education (Middle and Secondary School) Bacc + 1 after BA 21 Credits English/French
MA in Curriculum and Educational Management Bacc + 2-3 after BA 30 Credits English/French
MA in Educational Technology Bacc + 2-3 after BA 30 Credits English/French

Bachelor of Arts
The Bachelor of Arts prepares classroom teachers through an interdisciplinary approach that addresses the needs of all learners. Future educators will develop the knowledge about the disciplines taught in schools, the developmental characteristics and needs of learners and expertise in interactive teaching methodologies.

Teaching Diploma – TD

The University of Balamand offers 2 options for the Teaching Diploma in both English and French. Both options are 21 credits (7 courses) and can be completed within one year.

TD – Education: For applicants with a bachelor’s degree in Education
TD – Specialized: UOB offers a specialized TD in the subjects below based on the applicant’s BA

  • - Mathematics
  • - Physics
  • - Chemistry
  • - Biology
  • - English
  • - French
  • - Arabic
  • - Economics
  • - Business
  • - Arts
  • - Physical Education
  • - Psychology
  • - History
  • - Translation
  • - Computer
TD – Education
This TD program is for students who have an undergraduate degree (BA) in education. Students are required to take the following 21 credits:

EDUC 212
Teaching Early Literacy
EDUC 221
Trends in Education
EDUC 291
Interdisciplinary Project Design
EDUC 253
Instructional Computer Applications in Education
PSYC 254
Psychology of Learning
EDUC 224
Inclusive Education
PRAC 223
Practice of Teaching- TD Education
21 Credits
TD – Specialized
Students are required to take the following 21 credits: 15 credits from the courses below and 6 credits from the specialized courses depending on the specialty

EDUC 217
General Didactics
EDUC 275
Classroom Management
EDUC 253
Instructional Computer Applications in Education
PSYC 214
Adolescent Development
PRAC 222
Practice of Teaching at the Intermediate and Secondary Level
Specialty course 1
Specialty course 2
21 credits
 For more information, please contact us at
Masters in Education
30 Credits

The Department of Education offers two MA Education tracks:
  • • Curriculum and Educational Management
  • • Instructional Design and Technology

Master of Arts in Curriculum and Educational Management

The MA in Curriculum and Educational Management is committed to preparing educational leaders ready to direct progressive changes in schools, educational institutions, as well as in the public and private sectors domains. Our program promotes critical analysis of curricular theory on both a national and an international level. The study of curriculum theory is approached from diverse theoretical perspectives that in turn impact curriculum practices. The program produces educational leaders who can approach curriculum practice to seek change through professional development, action research, reflective teaching methodology, critical resource analysis and varied evaluation and assessment standards.

Master in Education with an emphasis in Instructional Design and Technology

The University of Balamand’s Department of Education believes that technology has had an enormous impact on the field of education both in theory and in practice. Through the use of educational technology, we prepare our future educators and instructional designers to create educational products with an aesthetic and a theoretical grounding. Besides preparing useful, up-to-date and user-friendly products to be used in the classroom and outside, our future educators and instructional designers have a vision of delivering educational products that can be accessible to all learners, at all levels, of all needs and socio-economic backgrounds. Our vision is based on a grounding of current educational theories balanced with the continuous changes in technological advancement.


Core Courses (Common for Both Tracks)

Course Number

Course Name


EDUC 340

Technology Integration in Education


EDUC 352

Evaluation and Assessment


EDUC 331

Advanced Instructional Methodology


In addition to the 3 core courses, students complete the 7 courses below for the Instructional Design and Technology Track:

Course Number

Course Name


EDUC 341

Fundamentals of Educational Technology and Theories of Learning


EDUC 342

Instructional Design


EDUC 343

Seminar in online learning and teaching


EDUC 344

Designing Multimedia


EDUC 345

Emerging Learning Technologies


EDUC 349



EDUC 346

Web Authoring Tools


Graduate Portfolio: The final product of the MA Instructional Design and Technology is a cumulative reflection portfolio that showcases students’ major projects and assignments that were covered in the courses. It also includes a cumulative reflection on the Internship experience and the overall course contribution to the students’ learning.

Students who choose Curriculum and Educational Management Track, have to complete the following 5 courses and a thesis:

Course Number

Course Name


EDUC 320

Curriculum Management


EDUC 353

The Analysis of Resources


EDUC 392

Educational Management


FASS 300

Research Methodology


EDUC 319



EDUC 399



After Graduation
Students who graduate with a BA from the Department of Education are eligible to become primary school teachers and resource developers. Those who complete the Teaching Diploma are eligible to become teachers in Primary, Middle, or Secondary School depending on their specialisation such as Math, Science Economics Computer Science Arabic Language French Language and English Language and Literature. The MA in Curriculum and Education Management and the MA in Educational Technology prepares graduates to expand their career forward the practice of curriculum coordination or technology integration in all fields of education.
